Typically, beginning in the early to mid-40's, the eyes begin to deteriorate, a situation that unfortunately becomes more pronounced as we age. Here are some of the ways in which our eyes and vision change as we get older:

  • Is that blue or green?   The cells in our eyes that control the way we see colour become less sensitive as we age, which results in less colour vibrancy. This makes it more difficult to distinguish certain colour shades.
  • Changes in light levels.   Adjusting to changes in light levels ( e.g. going out into or coming in from a sunny day, or walking into a dimly lit theatre or restaurant ) can take two to three times longer than it did when we were younger.
  • Fewer tears.   As we get older, the tears glands in our eyes produce fewer taers leading to more frequent stints of dry eyes and irritation. Blurry vision, eye fatigue and headaches may be the result of dry eye, and a sign you should see your Optometrist.
  • More light please.   With age, our pupil size becomes samller and less responsive to changes in light conditions, which means our eyes require more light than they once did to see clearly. Good lighting at home and at work can help to prevent falls associated with poor lighting.
  • Increase the font size.   Small font sizes become a thing of the past as we age, the result of the lenses in our eyes becoming less flexible, making near objects less clear and more difficult to focus on. Proper spectacle or contact lens prescriptions can correct issues associated with reading small font and can help prevent eyestrain.
  • Turn down the glare.   Glare is light that enters the eye and interferes with vision. Special lenses and polarised sunglasses can be required to deal with glare. Your Optometrist can help determine the solution that is best for you.
  • Ocular diseases   such as Cataracts, Glaucoma and Age-Related Macular Degeneration can lead to vision impairment and affect activities of daily living. Visit your Optometrist regularly to manage your eye health and vision care.